Monday, October 18, 2010

Vampires are...rapey?

As a vampire romance author,

I find this clip from Supernatural ABSOLUTELY HILARIOUS!!!

I think you will, too. :)

Friday, October 1, 2010

Tony Curtis and Pugs

This is my absolute favorite Tony Curtis movie. It's a classic, with adventure and laughs and romance and ... pugs!

Unfortunately, Tony Curtis doesn't get to interact with the pugs - that job fell to Jack Lemmon.  And it is hysterical.  Those pugs completely steal the scenes they're in, and some of Lemmon's grumbling comments have the quality of ad libs.  It's like he can feel the scene getting away from him.

A classic movie of a type they just don't make anymore.  Go watch it!

The Great Race

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

The Publishing Industry Is Your Friend

Do you follow Writer BewareIf you're a writer, it's an invaluable source of information.

However (you just knew that was coming, right?) I have been following the recent posts about the process of getting published and am...not disgruntled...but my gruntle is vaguely irritated in that way where you want it to stop but don't want to get up off the couch. You know what I mean?

The gist of the posts is contained in the title of the first: Getting Published Is Not A Crap Shoot

My question is not about whether or not it is a crap shoot, but why are we even discussing it?

Because whether it is or is not doesn't affect how writers approach it. You do your best. You submit your work. The end.

That has to happen regardless of whether publishing is an equal-opportunity-completely-not-white-male-dominated-seeker-of-Quality-over-commercial-profits industry or whether publishers only accept manuscripts submitted on Tuesdays that were mailed while the author wore a purple jumper (Tip: remember not to wear your tinfoil hat that day so they can see you!).

So...write on.