Monday, July 12, 2010

Save Two-Thirds

I'm under deadline, so I've been away (I apologize).

Found this during research, though, and had to share.

Can you imagine what being a doctor was like when the possibility of saving two-thirds of your patients was the best, most exciting thing an advertisement could say about its medicine?

So basically, you knew you would always lose a third of the people you saw, and probably more like half.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Chibi Me


It's like Mini Me, only better! lol

This is my new avatar over on Facebook (and GoodReads too, for that matter).
The art is done by the truly talented @nursethalia.

Feel free to "like" it on Facebook.  :)

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Supernatural Cheer

I found this on YouTube and thought it was sweet, so to tide us over until next season, take it away, boys!