Wednesday, April 7, 2021
Secret Societies of the Sword Coast: Exposed || Series: Books Of Baldur's Gate III
Monday, April 5, 2021
A Pleasurable Deal || Series: Books Of Baldur's Gate III
Friday, April 2, 2021
Curse of the Vampyr || Series: Books Of Baldur's Gate III
This book, Curse of the Vampyr, can be found in the library right before the bridge to Minthara. Since Astarion is my game crush, I had to pick it up.
Wednesday, March 31, 2021
Astarion's Historic and Literary References in Baldur's Gate 3 --- Or Any Excuse To Obsess About Astarion
Monday, March 29, 2021
Hamsters In SPAAAAACE || Series: Books Of Baldur's Gate III
The Miniature Giant Space Hamster.
Sunday, March 28, 2021
Volo and the Marriage Rituals of Goblins || Series: Books Of Baldur's Gate III
On Goblins
Saturday, March 27, 2021
Loviatar and Subverting Your Expectations || Series: Books Of Baldur's Gate III
Once you reach the Goblins' dungeon, there is a side quest which has little to do with goblins and everything to do with the deep world-building in Baldur's Gate III. It's fun, it's funny, and it's a bit kinky.
Baldur's Gate - The Peacock Rule || Series: Books Of Baldur's Gate III
I first realized the importance of reading the books scattered about the countryside in Baldur Gate 3 when I came across this volume:
Friday, March 26, 2021
How Tall is Astarion from Baldur's Gate 3?
On February 2nd, Larian Studios quote tweeted the official Resident Evil twitter account, revealing the height of a certain fan-favorite vampire from their game currently in Early Access, Baldur's Gate III.
Sunday, March 7, 2021
The Reason There Are No Dogs Allowed In Baldur's Gate (Baldur's Gate 3)
If you are playing Baldur's Gate III Early Access, as I am, you will have noticed in Patch 4 there is a new scene with Lae'zel and that adorable tiefling couple. The tieflings are talking about having a cat as a pet, since dogs aren't allowed in the city of Baldur's Gate, and Lae'zel asks what a cat is.
Watching this, you might wonder, why aren't dogs allowed?
The answer to this question can be found among the books in the Arcane Tower in the Underdark:
No animal larger than a peacock may gain entry to Baldur's Gate.
It's a city restriction, and it seems to be unpopular, at least with bear owners. What they will do if you're a druid and turn into a bear or a badger while in the city is anyone's guess. 😉
Obviously there are no toy dogs in Faerun, thus no dogs allowed in Baldur's Gate.
Thursday, February 14, 2019
The Ballad of Darien Gautier
(Darien is voiced by Jon Curry, of Zevran Arainai fame (he's also the American-accented Inquisitor in Dragon Age: Inquisition, and you've probably heard his voice in a bunch of other BioWare and Bethesda games). So if you easily fall in love with voices, like me, you know where I'm coming from here.)
And---miracle of miracles---he fell in love with me!!!
(YES, although Zenimax won't let you flirt with ANYBODY ELSE, you CAN flirt with Darien. Bless the person who made this possible by working in some flirt dialogue choices. You are my hero.)
So when y'all are about to go up against the huge, final boss, you can get dialogue like this:
(happy sigh)
And you get dialogue about what we're going to do when the fight is over:
As the "beautiful hero of Coldharbour," I was definitely looking forward to a drink and a neck massage. And there was no reason to expect I wouldn't get it. From the moment we became a couple, Darien had been saying we'd be together, that we'd find each other after the battle, no matter what:
So my character is quite invested in this relationship. As well as saving the world, of course. Y'know. That, too.
*big, dramatic boss fight* *yay victory*
And then.....
Except we couldn't find his body so THERE WAS HOPE.
I played all the different sides of the ESO conflict, and I waited.
One day, I was reading all the books in Orsinium, because that is something I do. (There is Important Lore to be found. Shut up.)
ANYWAY, in the library of the Temple of Ire, I came across this:
Me: *high pitched dolphin shrieks* THIS IS DARIEN ISN'T IT IT'S GOT TO BE DARIEN OMG
*turns over page*
Me: *more high pitched dolphin shrieks* IT DARIEN!!!
I told everybody on Twitter. Darien was trying to come back to me.
And I kept the faith.
I wander into a Mages' Guild library in Anvil, and there is fellow Darien fangirl Gabrielle Benele, looking for Darien. I'm all like, "I HAVE A CLUE FOR THIS!!!"
So it's not just me. A Darien rescue could be on the cards.
And since then I've been waiting.
In 2018 came the release of ESO Summerset. I was really hoping I'd learn more about Razum-dar, the charismatic Khajiit. Maybe even be able to flirt with him!
But no.
Raz is present, but there's very little personal interaction.
And then I heard the Golden Knight's voice and I was like.... Is that...??!!
IS THAT...??!!
Meridia herself confirms that, YES, THE MYSTERY IS FINALLY SOLVED.
Now, you can see by this timeline that Zenimax Online has been playing a very long game here. Respect. I'm disappointed I still cannot flirt with Razum-dar, but RESPECT for remembering that there are Darien fangirls awaiting Darien's return. And for giving us some love:
It was truly nice to interact with him again.
So I did NOT expect him TO DIE AGAIN.
Even though it's been long enough that none of this should be "spoilers," I'll skip over exactly HOW he dies and just mention the important bit: THIS TIME THERE WILL BE NO BODY.
So I hold out hope that somehow Meridia will give him back to me.
Then, at the end of Summerset, I hear a mysterious book has teleported to the victory celebration.
You may want to mute the sound on this clip as you read. That's Rigurt's laughter in the background.
(I adore Rigurt the Brash, it was so cool to meet him again, though his maniacal laughter can be unsettling in this context. The context of IMMA STAB THAT DAEDRIC BITCH.)
All I can say is this better not be the end of Darien Gautier.
Bethesda has announced the upcoming release of ESO ELSWEYR in June 2019. I have wanted to visit Elsweyr since Oblivion (2006) so, yeah, I'm gonna be there.
And my two greatest hopes for this expansion are:
2) I get to flirt with some Khajiit. Preferably Razum-dar. But, hey. ANY flirting would be nice.
Because, on that second point, I don't understand why I can wander the open world killing everything in sight, but I can't flirt with anyone. WTF, Zenimax Online/Bethesda?? What's up with that??
I mean, there are tons of games on the market where I can kill things. And some days, that's all I want. Give me a bow and point me toward the draugr.
But what makes an RPG game like Elder Scrolls endure, what makes it re-play-able, what gives it legs and positive word of mouth, is Emotional Investment. I want to care about the characters and the storyline. Throw in some flirting/personal stuff so I can pretend it's not just a linear path, it's something I chose, and thus I affected the world, or our little corner of it.
Let me have my Darien.
Wednesday, February 6, 2019
May The Dread Wolf Take You
May the Dread Wolf take you...
Inquisitor: And he did.
Solas: No I didn't. I'd never have sex with you under false pretenses.
Inquisitor: Yeah, you didn't TAKE me---like you PROMISED, by the way---instead you TOOK ME IN. TOTALLY BAIT AND SWITCH.
Solas: I never promised to have sex with you.
Solas: Okay. Maybe... that MIGHT... have implied we were going off to have sex. But---
Inquisitor: And when we walk off screen, what happens? THIS:
Inquisitor: I think we're going for romance but instead you tell me something I valued IS CRAP and then BREAK UP WITH ME FOREVER. I mean, I know you're a Trickster God but that is some Fade-level deception right there.
Solas: I do have a beautiful voice, though.
Inquisitor: Yes. Yes, you do. You bastard.
Solas: So you're still going to romance me again on your next play-through, right?
Inquisitor: Probably.
Tuesday, January 29, 2019
The Truth Is Out There (And Loghain Knows It)
Whenever you begin a game, there are a few training quests you have to do, to familiarize the player with how everything works. One of these quests involves the quartermaster, Threnn.
Threnn is a Loghain supporter. In her dialogue, she talks about how Loghain was a hero---he didn't betray the Grey Wardens at Ostagar, he saved his own troops.
Because, y'know, I played Dragon Age: Origins. I was there! But that's just one
Then Solas gives us a "both sides" viewpoint on Ostagar.
Both sides are the truth??
Again, I was there. Loghain didn't withdraw his troops to save them. He withdrew his troops as part of his betrayal of the Grey Wardens.
This pet peeve has grown, and just become more irritated, over the years of my playing this game. (And maybe it's been exacerbated by the real-world war on facts and truth and both-sides-ism.)
One of the play-throughs I currently am running (yes, I said "one of," don't judge me, shut up), has Anora ruling alone as Queen of Ferelden, Alistair dead (or drunk), and Loghain as the Grey Warden who helped end the Fifth Blight.
Aside: Do you ever get that loading screen that says something like, "Experts disagree if the Fifth Blight was truly a Blight"? If you do, do you also yell, "It was SO a True Blight!" at the screen and feel personally offended?
So anyway, Loghain Mac Tir is my Warden. This means all-new cut-scenes for me, new dialogue. WHOOT!!!
Then suddenly, THIS:
You can imagine my surprise. After all this "Loghain was a hero" crap, LOGHAIN HIMSELF ADMITS HE BETRAYED THE GREY WARDENS.
And later in the Fade:
Loghain AGAIN admits his guilt in everything that happened to Ferelden in Dragon Age: Origins.
Loghain knowing he is guilty and having repented is kind of touching. It leads to Loghain getting the best send off as Person Chosen To Fight The Nightmare.
Is that beautiful and heroic or what? In his end is his beginning---once again a noble, self-sacrificing warrior. And most people would never hear this because, I'm thinking, for the majority of players, Loghain didn't survive Dragon Age: Origins.
As far as epic farewell lines go, the only other one that comes close is Sarcastic (Purple) Hawke's, "WHY IS IT ALWAYS SPIDERS?!!"
But getting back to Loghain, his being the best send-off is especially cemented by Varric speaking his epitaph:
I rest my case.
Also, if you're wondering what Varric is talking about when he refers to Loghain's early life, you need to read The Stolen Throne. Loghain was a hero before he became a villain. (The books also explain why Loghain hates Alistair, something poor Alistair doesn't even know.)
Monday, January 28, 2019
Not Even The Dwarves Remember The Dwarves quote (plus NUGS) Dragon Age: ...
I just like this clip because of the truth of the lore. No one alive remembers the Deep Roads at their height, thus even the dwarves don't remember the dwarves.
Is Bioware Giving Us FanFic Prompts?
I giggled when I heard the surgeon NPC say this. Surely someone, somewhere has used this as a
(Sorry it's so dark, but it's the words that are important.)
Saturday, January 26, 2019
Vivienne's Victory (Dragon Age Inquisition)
For example, I never got this scene before, so thought I'd share in case anyone else was like me.
I generally don't get Vivienne's personal quest until late in the story, and apparently I never speak with her after Bastien dies, after the scene where she talks about funeral planning. I just go straight for the main story ending. I didn't realize Vivienne had more to say. And I thought she liked me....
Monday, February 23, 2015
The Cat Who Lived
My cat has cancer.
Large cell stomach cancer. Had it been small cell, he'd have a good chance of recovery, they said. But this is large cell.
Stop talking about What You Could Have Done If It Were Different and TELL ME WHAT TO DO WITH THE REALITY I HAVE, I thought.
This was the beginning of December. They said I could start him on chemotherapy, but it would be more a Quality of Life thing than a fix. Especially as he also has a thyroid problem. And arthritis. They hinted I might consider euthanasia. They said he would be dead by the end of January.
My cat is still alive.
Through the first couple chemo doses, I stayed up with him all night. Making sure he had fluids. Making sure he ate a little every few hours. Making sure he kept the food down and giving anti-nausea pills if he could not.
He has a cream for his thyroid and I give him shots for his arthritis, and vitamin B12 shots as well.
He tolerates this as well as can be expected. Some days he's more annoyed than others. But he's still plugging away. His brain is still sharp as ever.
You have to understand, he was my first cat. I found him at a shelter. He'd had bad experiences with humans so it took some time for him to trust me. Since my previous pet experience was my family's pug (a very cat-like dog), I inadvertently approached him as such. I taught him words.
This cat has as large a command vocabulary as my pug had. At feeding time, I'd tell him to go sit and he'd go to the kitchen and hit the specific mark where he's supposed to sit. If he's not precisely on the mark, I can repeat the command and he will scoot over the inch or two to be precisely on his mark.
He knows how to heel without a leash when we go on walks. I can allow him to get ahead of me to explore and then call him back and he'll come. He'll complain at me ("Meow, meow, meow!"), but he'll come.
He also likes to play games on tablets and phones. But only if he can win. He doesn't like games that go on forever, he wants a Decisive Victory. It's pretty funny.
The vet techs at the cancer center are constantly amazed by him, his good nature, his chill personality. We go in without a carrier and hang out. He purrs.
Now we are approaching the end of his chemo. He gets an ultrasound next Monday. I am hoping for Full Remission. If it's not gone, he'll have to undergo a second round of chemotherapy treatments.
And yes, I've already decided that's what we're doing. If we have to, we're going down fighting.
I was told by one disapproving person that they would have euthanized the cat at the beginning rather than spend the money on chemo. So I knifed them.
No I didn't.
Bloodstains are sooo difficult to get out.
But they are correct, it is expensive. So.... if you've been on the fence about purchasing my writing, or ever even vaguely considered maybe buying one of my books, I would encourage you that now would be the time to do so. You could think of it as a donation, with the book as your free gift. Most of my ebooks are the same price as one cup of coffee. You'd buy me a coffee, right?
In any case, please keep us in your thoughts.
Saturday, October 27, 2012
Adam Howden at London Expo 2012
This is Adam Howden.
He is at London Comic Con - MCM Expo RIGHT NOW.
Why aren't you there?
Click for more information
Saturday, May 12, 2012
Vulpes and Arcade Plushies
Excuse me while I go Kermit-flail.
Monday, May 7, 2012
PAX East 2012 Overview
And some really big animal art installations. Like this giraffe.

And this year it hosted a really big games installation called PAX East.
This is PAX East.
Well, actually, it's the showroom floor, where all types and sizes of games are on display, from indie to blockbuster studio productions -- most of them future releases yet to be touched by the unwashed masses.
But touch them you can! You can play demos on the showroom floor. You can go over to the LAN and play computer games with top of the line NVIDIA tech.
Do I know what that tech does? No. Did Battlefield 3: Close Quarters look and play awesome? Yes! I got more kills than I usually do playing BF3 Team Deathmatch.
Prefer tabletop gaming? PAX has you covered.
They've got the tables and the games. Bring your crew or meet up with people there.
If it's a type of game, it's at PAX.
But say you're tired of gaming, and bored with all the chances for obtaining swag from the various companies. Say you want to craft something. And you don't want to pay for it.
Well, here are some tables where you can paint something and take it for free.
I don't know what they were - I saw the table from one of the ceiling cross-walks and I never got back to it on the floor. But I liked the concept.
Some of the upcoming games had giant displays. This one let you climb inside and experience getting attacked by Alien's alien. It didn't move or anything. But it looked pretty convincing.
Speaking of moving and convincing:
This Big Daddy's drill arm actually worked! He and his Little Sister were impressive.
In fact, all the costumes in Irrational Games' contest were impressive, as were the cosplayers walking around the convention. Fans put a lot of time, effort and love into their costumes, and it showed.
You don't have to wear a costume to PAX, of course, but if you do attend in one, expect admiration and frequent photo requests.
Where were we? Oh yes.
Other game displays showed only a mysterious front. You had to wait in line for the chance to see inside.
Umm...yeah. Should probably mention that a lot of your time is spent waiting in lines at PAX. It's not surprising. Each game station, each panel room, only contains a finite amount of space and there are a millionbillion people who want to occupy it. Maybe not that many. But you get the idea.
For a chance at the games, you have to wait. For a chance at attending a panel, you have to wait. And for popular panels, you have to get there ahead of time--possibly hours ahead--to make sure you're in the part of the line that fits in.
Had I mentioned that there are panels? Yes, you can not only play games, you can attend panels on games and learn about all sorts of aspects of the game industry.
One intrepid soul actually filmed the Plot vs. Play panel, which was one of the best panels ever (in my fan-girl opinion), and put it up on YouTube. (I already posted it on my blog.)
My favorite panel room was the (nyan) Cat Theatre.
(This still makes me smile. I am easily amused.)
Here we watched the original Fallout: Nuka Break fan film plus the entire first season of its web series.
They have a Kickstarter running to fund a second season, if you'd like to help out.
A Q&A panel followed, with the cast, creators, and Chris Avellone (who has been intimately involved with Fallout through several apocalypses and whose Obsidian Entertainment created Fallout: New Vegas).
I include this shot (from before the panel started) because you can see Chris Avellone is wearing a PIP-Boy!
It's a totally cool prop and was made especially for him.
Are you all properly jealous yet? ;)
One final observation: You remember the unwashed masses I referred to at the beginning? Attending PAX can mean you run the risk of catching PAX Plague. There always seems to be some type of super-flu which someone inadvertently brings along with them. And it has a very good time. I believe everyone I knew came down with some form of it. Including me. But it was a small price to pay for one of the most fun-filled weekends I've ever had.